About Us
Travellers telling stories
How we started
No Borders tv was born in 2016 by a few friends with the idea to create an open internet space for people from around the world to share their stories trough art, photography and videos.
All of us come from various underground cultures and are hard-working people, the stories we tell are based on the encounters during our travels. Many of us live in truck or busses and we combine our artistic skill to this “on the road” lifestyle trying to provide stories without any national or economic interests.
Our experiences
In the past three years we have started travelling out of Europe and more into Western Africa organising and participating in various solidarity acts at schools in rural villages. We want to contribute to communities in a positive way trough the different projects. This has now made a big impact in our group and will be in pursuit to do more activities around Europe and Africa in the years to come, but also try to expand around the world.
What we stand for
The name No Borders TV stands for our drive to pursue our artistic skills where ever we are and with who ever we meet and don’t define ourselves by our herritage, country or nation. United by the desire to break down verbal media and ethnic boundaries, NoBorders TV is a dynamic crew in constant growth.